Puppy Pilots is a show created by Dan Weecks. As a hobby, Dan became a commercial pilot and certified flight instructor. This enabled him to work in animal rescue in a variety of roles, including flying around the country and rescuing animals! Dan merged the two concepts of aviation and media productions in the year 2017 to share with audiences the heart-wrenching but rewarding work of emergency animal rescue.
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The Dodo | Pilots Fly Dozens Of Dogs Across The Country
Pilot Dan and dog Zamora departing Sedona airport
Puppy Pilots – Tipsy & Bella
The Heart of Rescue
Rescue Reunion: Bama and Pilot Dan (Alabama 2017 rescue)
Puppy Pilots: Alabama to AZ
Rescate de docenas de perros POR AVION | El Dodo
Unbelievable Stories – Alabama Puppy Rescue
6 Puppies get rescued by plane