“You Don’t Matter” – a presentation about social media best practices

I recently gave a presentation to a packed audience of a few dozen business owners about social media best practices entitled “You Don’t Matter”.  The title was created while talking to a few business owners who, like everyone in business, wholeheartedly believe their product is the greatest thing ever.  It may be, however not every single product, service, or business concept out there can be the best, nor do consumers know or necessarily care at first.  In this presentation I discuss branding in general terms, social media faux pas, how to build and establish a brand, and most importantly, how to make yourself and your business MATTER.

If this presentation helps you with ideas, strategy, or even just entertains you for 25 minutes, I would enjoy speaking to you further for a no-obligation consultation about your specific business and how to help you grow.  After all, I always enjoy a good strategy discussion.  Get in touch by visiting weecksproductions.com/contact.
