Make $16.25/Hour

If you’re looking for a job, it would sure be nice to make $16.25 per hour wouldn’t it?  The City of Peoria has the U.S. Census Beaurau’s mid-decade census coming up and needs help conducting it. The census will obtain a basic population count for the City of Peoria and local residents are needed to work as Enumerators. Enumerators will visit households and collect a few facts about each member such as name, age, and relationship to the householder and are paid $16.25/hour PLUS mileage AND paid training.  Noncitizens will be considered as well if qualified citizens aren’t available or if (s)he is bilingual so everyone who has a driver’s license really should apply.

If you’re interested, visit to see if you meet the requirements and complete a job interest card. You can also pick up paper copies throughout the City of Peoria at the Rio Vista recreation center, Community Services Department, Human Resources at City Hall, the Peoria Public Library, and Sunrise Mountain Branch Library.

You’ve only got until 7/31/2015 to submit, so hurry!