Category: Lifestyle
Eating Well and Staying Healthy: Tips and Tricks for Beginners
**This Blog Post uses hyperlinks. If I say “click here” or similar, please click the wording to continue being redirected. This blog post is intended for people looking to lose weight and eat a more healthful and balanced diet. Disclaimer: I am not a health professional, and you should speak with your primary care physician…
Is it blue/black or white/gold? Science says…
If one were to isolate the colors in Photoshop with the eyedropper tool, create new images, and fill the canvas with those selected colors, the results would speak clearly for themselves. There’s no bias, just science. For what it’s worth however, I see blue and gold.
“You Don’t Matter” – a presentation about social media best practices
I recently gave a presentation to a packed audience of a few dozen business owners about social media best practices entitled “You Don’t Matter”. The title was created while talking to a few business owners who, like everyone in business, wholeheartedly believe their product is the greatest thing ever. It may be, however not every single…
Protein ice cream recipe (3 ingredients)
If you count your macros, you’ll love this recipe. If you don’t count your macros, why not?!?! So here it is everyone, my very own simple ice cream that fits in your macros. It’s got 2 (optionally 3) ingredients, 78g of protein per serving, and the taste is DELICIOUS. Disclaimer, my protein powder serving size…
The Complete Hotel Room Workout
Gone are the days of making excuses for not exercising. With this guide and tutorial to one of my full body room workouts, you have no reason not to stick with your new year resolutions!
All about Gym Etiquette
Now is the time of year the “resolutioners” will start overtaking the gym. Don’t get me wrong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself and get in better shape, but based on my past experience year after year, every January there’s a huge rush of people awkwardly flailing their limbs around on half…
TV exclusive – Take Me Home Huey
The Talk Around Town show is filming an exclusive of this Vietnam war medical helicopter. This Huey was shot down during a firefight in Vietnam and the two soldiers riding on the outside were killed in action. The pilot, copilot, and medic inside were safely evacuated. Now back from the grave, this historical bird has…
Achieve Bigger & Better Goals
Ever have one of those days you crawl out of bed after snoozing your alarm 5 times, brush your teeth (possibly forgetting the toothpaste), stumble into your office and sit down to a gigantic stack of paperwork? No? Ok, how about this one; you hit the gym hard for a few days and don’t see…
Turn your video game skills into success
The extent of my gaming growing up basically went as far as James Bond Goldeneye (for Nintendo 64) and occasionally GTA San Andreas when it was brand new back in 2004. Granted, there were other games here and there but when I was reminiscing the other day, I realized Rockstar North was on to something……